Shelby Wood

Join us on Friday, February 16th at 9am as we talk to Shelby Wood, CMO at Pet Releaf.

Shelby is a self describeddata-driven creative, pop culture devotee, whale enthusiast. I would say that she has a PhD in GSD (Getting Sh*it Done) and her storied career is almost unbelievable for someone under 30.

This year, she is emerging from a three month pause from work, her first since college.

“I wish I could say that my sabbatical was strategically planned. A blocked time on my calendar with the intended purpose of inspiring and rejuvenating my creative juices. But it wasn't.“

Shelby has seen tremendous success in her field, especially in the past five years as an entrepreneur. Many of us are familiar with the signs of chronic stress and burnout but we brush them aside until our body says ENOUGH. With a life-threatening diagnosis, her doctors implored her to slow down… hence the sabbatical.

In that time, she completed Judy Reeves writing workshop "Wild Women, Wild Voices" and highly recommends it to other women needing change. Miraculously, her body also healed and she felt compelled to share her story on LinkedIn (a platform she pretty openly loathes).

Moving forward, she’s careful to see how she ties her identity to her professional career. Her drive is still unmatched, but she’s learning that “slowing down is as crucial of an ingredient to success as speeding up.” More rest, less grind. Arguably, this makes her a much better leader at PetReleaf, a company I’ve been loyal to for years as a proud pet owner.

We will chat about all of this and more on on Friday, February 16th at 9am. Feel free to send in your questions in the comments or LIVE during the event.

Connect with her:


Jamie Sarche


Brooke Hipp