Laurie Gilbertson

Super excited about today’s guest Laurie Gilbertson!

Laurie Gilbertson is a former prosecutor, television legal analyst and legal educator who formed Tribeca Blue Consulting to bring her unique skills and passion for teaching to help professionals communicate better.

She achieves this by combining her lawyer’s attention to detail, the insider’s tips and tricks she learned during a decade spent in New York City courtrooms and the expertise she gained while helping the nation’s top attorneys and judges develop and present compelling material.

Her diverse background and unique skills make her a trainer unlike any other and make Tribeca Blue different from other companies.

Presentations, sales calls, pitch meetings, fear of public speaking… She helps the best outshine the rest.

Today we’ll talk about how she helps executives speak more clearly, confidently and persuasively in professional situations. Learn how to harness the power and potential of your unique voice.

Communicate more effectively in your daily life. You already have the foundation to be a powerful communicator. Laurie helps you develop the tools you need to build on that foundation and truly thrive in every form of communication.

Close the deal. Pitch the client. Win new business. Motivate your team. Inspire your audience. This is why so many already successful people choose to work with Laurie.

Connect with her:

Check out her newly updated website that we just launched yesterday:


Jessica Peskin


Laura Marie