LinkedIn LIVE Interview with Betsy Petrie
Do you consider yourself a good communicator or a work in progress?
My first guest of the year is Betsy Petrie, a consultant in the field of communication and organizational development or more broadly, human-to-human skill development.
Betsy calls this “the first and final frontier” because throughout human history, we have had to learn new ways to work together to solve problems and this is an ongoing endeavor. We never stop growing do we?
A self-proclaimed recovering sugar-coater, her new book, RAILS-Talk teaches managers of people how to speak honestly and kindly when discussing career development and performance. This workbook helps managers stay on track when tackling complex topics without unnecessary friction from common derailers like excessive small talk, judgement, or the all too easy sugar-coating.
In her work, Betsy offers a lot of insight into candor with kindness and she is passionate about what creates an inclusive climate in an organization. She continues to meet with a variety of organizations that are committed to improving performance and engagement through good quality communication.
We’ve all heard the phrase “people don’t leave companies, they leave managers” but where is the personal responsibility in this dynamic?
“I think there’s a lot of truth to the statement. I certainly had my share! To be clear, many of the skills required to be a good manager of people can be taught. Unfortunately, managing people is billed mostly as a promotion and increase in pay. That makes some managers take the job for the money and not because they have interest or skill in dealing with the messiness of people. I don’t see that changing in the future, but I do think good management development in the area of skilled communication takes away much of the problem.”
We will talk about mentors, muses, and managers that spark inspiration, foster trust, and improve engagement. We’ll also tackle topics like truth in the workplace, candor as a value, and how change management often misunderstood in popular discourse.
Betsy works with individuals and leadership teams through trainings, workshops and more so don’t hesitate to reach out if this inspires you too! Whether she’s speaking in front of hundreds of managers at a conference or virtual trainings for remote teams, Betsy’s programming will leave a lasting impact and have you coming back for more.
Helpful Links:
Book: RAILS-Talk: A Tough Conversations Workbook for People Managers is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookscape, Booktopia, Brilliant Books, Magers and Quinn , and more!
Betsy Petrie joins Ashley Dodge for the first episode of Nota Bene January 29th.